As the name suggests, Power Query is query driven add-in which supports data from external sources in variety of formats like csv files, databases including Oracle, SQL Server, Excel tables and data from URLs in the form of web pages.ĥ. Although other enterprise BI tools such as SAS and Business Objects are available, but in the form of Excel add-in PowerPivot has made life easier for those business users who are familiar with Excel and do not want to switch to other tools for carrying out business intelligence tasks.Ĥ. PowerPivot lets you conduct powerful Business Intelligence (BI) on extremely large sets of data. You have to install the Analysis Toolpak in order to use these functions.ģ. Analysis Tookpak adds additional analysis functions such as statistics and engineering functions which are not available in Excel. It solves a problem by adjusting a number of input cells according to a set of criteria or constraints defined by user.Ģ.
Solver falls under the category of What-if Analysis tools which can solve problems by enabling a target cell to achieve some goal.